Thinking about making BBQ sauce myself. I've tried different recipe once but I forget to wrote down the ingredients. This time I try the real recipes. After I bought all the things I need and can get, I start to make the sauce. But instead of making full recipe, I only make one-fourth of the recipe. There were three ingredients I couldn't get, brown sugar, red pepper flakes and garlic powder. So I kinda modified the recipe a little bit.
I tried it out with chicken wings and it turn out really good. I only use one-third of the sauce and keep the rest of the sauce in a bottle at fridge.
Saus ini sangat mudah dibuat dan bisa untuk disajikan bersama ikan, udang, ayam atau telur. Resep saya dapat dari sini.
I love Big Mac so much. Making this sauce make me able make my own Big Mac. It's a lot cheaper :)
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