One of my favourite drink in Starbucks is Green Tea Frappuccino. One of the non-caffeine drink. I couldn't stand the caffeine in coffee so I always prefer non-caffeine drinks. Even though there is caffeine in green tea, I still can tolerate that. Beside the price of Starbucks product are really amazing high, the sugar contained in the drink makes me want to learn how to make it. I bought the green tea powder few days ago. After browsing recipe in so many website and trying it, I found the one that more suitable with me.
Minuman yang cocok untuk udara panas. Kebetulan pas belanja dapat ekstra lemon dari tukang buah. Sebelumnya abis dapat lemon dari teman di kantor Wira dan lemon di rumah juga belum habis. Akhirnya diputuskan untuk bikin lemonade. Sebagai variasi bisa ditambahkan potongan strawberry ketika disajikan.
I love this kind of beverages. I usually bought it but since I found the tea, I try to make my own cha yen. So far, I used tea in tea bag because it's the only Thai tea we can found.
update: Finally I found the tea leaves without a bag :) I used 'Number One' brand. I love this drink. Sampai dibela-belain beli yang sachet-an walaupun mahal. Pernah coba bikin tapi belum berhasil. Tapi kali ini berhasil...
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