Run out of idea... So while holding Amira in front of the window, it crossed my mind to take this kind pictures. So I ask Wira to be my model with Amira. So this is what I get from experimenting :)
Dari sekian banyak jenis diet yang pernah saya coba, hanya satu diet yang berhasil saya lakukan yaitu diet kantong plastik.
Saya mulai diet ini sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. Setiap hari saya membawa 3-5 kantong kain di dalam tas untuk mengantisipasi jika tiba-tiba saya harus belanja. Kantong-kantong ini bisa dilipat hingga berukuran kecil, sehingga tidak membuat tas saya tampak penuh. Tas-tas ini saya dapat dengan cara membeli dan juga hadiah/oleh-oleh. Tas lipat pertama saya berwarna pink sebagai hadiah ulang tahun diawal tahun 2000-an. Inilah pertama kalinya saya mulai terpapar dengan diet kantong plastik walaupun belum selalu menggunakannya. Sekitar tahun 2006, saya mendapat sebuah lagi tas lipat berwarna coklat tua dengan motif batik sebagai oleh-oleh dari Ketty ketika ke Malaysia. Tapi waktu itu belum getol sekali dengan diet kantong plastik. Kadang masih lupa kalau punya tas lipat di dalam tas. Tapi dengan berjalannya waktu, saya mulai terbiasa untuk bilang, "gak usah pake kantong plastik, pake ini saja" sambil menyodorkan kantong-kantong lipat saya sebelum mbak-mbak di kasir pegang kantong plastik. Biasanya saya ditanggapi dengan muka yang bingung. Itu tidak hanya terjadi kalau belanja di supermarket, jika saya belanja pakaian, kosmetik dll, saya juga menggunakan kantong-kantong saya itu. Sebenarnya diet kantong plastik bukan sesuatu yang asing lagi, karena kalo belanja bulanan biasanya di Makro, yang tidak menyediakan kantong plastik, kami sekeluarga selalu sedia dengan tas belanja berukuran besar atau kardus. Tas belanja yang kami gunakan biasanya berasal dari tas-tas yang didapat waktu acara simposium. Melakukan diet kantong plastik di Indonesia susah-susah gampang. Tapi akhir-akhir ini sudah lebih mudah karena sudah lebih banyak promosi tentang diet kantong plastik. Trik belanja dengan menerapkan diet kantong plastik adalah dengan memberitahu kalau kita tidak mau pakai kantong plastik dan bawa kantong sendiri ketika kasir mulai menghitung barang belanjaan kita dan memberikan kantong kita kepada mbak-mbak/mas-mas kasirnya. Hal yang terpenting adalah konsisten dalam mengerjakannya, seperti halnya diet-diet yang lain :) I don't know why but I always love taking pictures of doors and windows. Especially when they are colourful.
I love taking pictures when I walk around. I took pictures with any kind cameras and sometimes the pictures just don't turn out good. I love the color in this picture.
After rainy day yesterday, today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining bright and the sky is blue. I spent the day with my friends and their family. Definitely I am having a great time. The sun brightened up my day :)
I spent the day in the beach with family. Even though the weather not friendly but it won't stop the kids play in beach. They definitely having fun.
When you have to fit your life into 17,5 square meters, you have to use all the space that possible :)
This is a bread stall at farmer's market in Ferney. One of our favourite place to come on Saturday when we stayed in Geneva. They sell variously fresh baked breads. Just ask them the bread you like...
Have you ever heard about Doraemon? Doraemon have a pocket that can produces everything. My friends sometimes call my bag/purse as doraemon pocket. Because you can ask me almost anything and you can find it in my bag/purse. As you can see in the picture above, those things are always in my bag/purse except when I go to the party.
This is my niece Michelle. She's learning to play bekel. Bekel is a traditional Indonesian children's game. The name bekel is derived from the Dutch game "bikkelen" using the same copper "bikkels". Well...Indonesia colonised by Dutch for about 350 years, no wonder the games are similar. Read more about bekel and other Indonesian children's games in here.
Today we had pempek party. My father-in-law just got back from Palembang yesterday and brought a lot of pempek. It's a savoury fishcake delicacy food of Palembang, Indonesia. There are a lot of pempek variants. The picture only show two variants, lenggang & pempek tunu (grilled pempek). Check out more about pempek in here.
A mother and her two sons are dancing to the song. Today some anaesthesiologist graduated from Indonesia University gathered in Hotel Gran Melia. We are eating, dancing, singing, playing some games and also sharing stories. We are having fun :)
A view from first floors of a hospital in Jakarta. Houses & buildings are packed together. No green area :(
This is my nephew Kaysan & my niece Amira. They love to play together. Kaysan did something such as jumping or giggling or making faces and Amira will laughing & giggling too.
I passed this motorcycle today when the woman in the back try to open the umbrella and later on I captured this picture. I don't have any idea what crossed their minds to use umbrella while riding a motorcycle. They use no helmet and 4 person in one motorcycle. Seeing all kind of motorcycle accidents when I worked in hospital and seeing this just cause a butterfly in my stomach. I feel like screaming to them how danger their behaviour. But just like most of motorcycle rider in Indonesia, sometimes they leave the brain at home. This kind of action also can be seen in Thailand.
This kids are playing the most favourite toy in Taman Baca GARASI. This toy always being played by kids when it open.
I dream a pedestrian walk like this in Jakarta. Where we can walk all the time without being afraid of motorcycle honking us. Where we walk to enjoy the fresh air. I still dreaming...
It will be nice walking on the beach with sunshine above the head. This rainy days need to be brighten by the sunshine.
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July 2024