It's been a while since my last writing. Last time I wrote about being so easily got distracted from my study for the final examination. The next day, I was told by the program secretary that my examination will be held on the other week. What a shocking news. I only had 1 week to prepare my presentation. On the day after that, the schedule was out. It written that I had my examination for thesis on May 22nd (which is yesterday) and other examination on May 30th (just a day before my birthday). I quite shock to hear the news, ever since I haven't read much lately. I try to overcome it, but everything seems not fair at that moment. I also lost my appetite (hopefully can make me thinner :p) But after few days, everything turn out OK. I think, if I had my examination now, then I can be relax and working on my thesis correction without thinking about examination on June.
So here I'm now. Had my exam yesterday. Having butterfly in my stomach before the exam. But it seems God always be with me, because my examination wasn't like I thought. Although I wasn't satisfied with the exam, but it turn out OK. Thanks God, for answering my prays. One down, Seven to go.... So...go back to the book now.... Wish me luck, so I can passed the exam just fine And thank to all for the support you gave to me.
One thing that become a problem for me in studying is easily distracted.
If you see in dictionary, distraction means a thing that prevent someone from giving a full attention to something else or extreme agitation of the mind or emotions. Just like today and other days, I have to prepared myself for my final examination. But there's always something else more interesting to do than study. Writing in my blog is one of it. Browsing internet is another distraction. Now, it seems a lot of idea that can be wrote in my blog. About my lovely mom, about my best housekeeper and other things. But, it have to wait. Because I have to study now. Maybe one idea per day is enough. Kali ini saya akan menuliskan dalam bahasa Indonesia, karena cuma dalam bahasa ini saya bisa menyampaikan perasaan geram saya dengan puas.
Pertama-tama, hari ini saya pergi mengantar Mama ke RS Harkit. Dan sepanjang perjalanan pergi dan pulang itu, banyak hal yang membuat saya menjadi geram. Banyak sekali orang yang nyetir dengan menyerempet mobil yang saya kendarai. Apakah saya menyetir segitu parahnya hari ini? Padahal saya berjalan dengan kecepatan yang biasa2 aja, tidak pelan dan tidak juga kencang. Beberapa kali saya harus membunyikan klakson supaya yang nyerempet saya bisa sadar kalo dia sudah hampir nabrak saya. This morning, my nephew, Kaysan, came in to my room, woke me up and asked if he can play with my computer or not. He said he want to see Stegosaurus, one of his favorite dynosaurus. So I turned on my PC and let him play with it. After a little while, he start to get bored and want to see another dynosaurus. And he also want to learn to type the word. So with his Dynosaurus map and books he start to type the word and look in the picture. This pictures were taken in Bandung. We accompanied Yani to Bandung because she has some meeting there. Because we didn't bring camera so we decided to take "photo box" at Paris van Java. we are....
Just like any other students in Indonesia, I have to take the final examination. In my case, I have finished up my thesis first before the examination. My thesis due date on May 30th. And the examination will be held on June 2008.
There's only a month away from now. But I don't feel like to study. I don't know why I feel so lazy. I have to read those big books, a lot of them. Today I plan to read 100 pages a day and starting today. But, until this time, I haven't finished even a page. I just keep saying that I have to read the book, but my brain not obey the order. It's so hard to tell my body to do things that I should do. Two weeks ago we just lost our beloved cousin. She was such a loving and caring person and only 28 years old. She died because of bleeding caused by misabortion. The blood can’t stop because she got placenta accreta. Final diagnose just come out last week. This is a little bit about placenta accreta that I would like to share with all of you. Hope it will be a good information. Placenta accreta is a severe obstetric complication involving an abnormal superficial attachment of the placenta to the myometrium (the middle layer of theuterine wall). Usually placenta will attach to endometrium (inner layer of the uterine wall). There are three forms of placenta accreta, distinguishable by the depth of penetration. The placenta usually detaches from the uterine wall relatively easily, but women that encounter placenta accreta during childbirth are at great risk of haemorrhageduring its removal. This commonly requires surgery to stem the bleeding and fully remove the placenta, and in severe forms can often lead to a hysterectomy or be fatal. It is reported to have a mortality rate around 7% and is the most common indication for birth-related hysterectomy.
Placenta accreta affects approximately 1 in 2,500 pregnancies. |
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