Yesterday I got a vegetable mesh bag order from my aunt. She ordered 10 sets of mesh bag and I don't have any ready stock. Since she will need it on next Monday, so I have to start to work on it. Spent almost 10 hours in front of sewing machine. I, accompanied by plenty of movies. Still plenty of bags to work on.
Pernah beberapa kali lihat di website tentang membuat rok dari celana jeans. Tapi biasanya yang saya temukan hanya rok pendek. Sementara tidak mungkin saya pakai rok pendek :) Sampai suatu ketika saya menemukan gambar rok jeans yang panjang di internet. Dengan penuh rasa penasaran, saya telusuri terus hingga sampai pada website aslinya. Ternyata rok tersebut dibuat dari 2 buah celana jeans. Langsung saya teringat jeans saya yang sudah bolong dan tidak terpakai. Setelah dibaca, cara pembuatannya pun tidak terlalu rumit. Walhasil saya sibuk membongkar kotak penyimpanan kain-kain bekas saya. Dibutuhkan 2 hari untuk menyelesaikan rok ini. Hari pertama saya melepaskan dan membersihkan semua jahitan dari jeans lama saya sesuai petunjuk dari website tersebut dan merekonstruksi rok yang saya inginkan. Hari kedua saya pakai untuk menjahit rok tersebut. Mulai dari menambal bagian jeans yang bolong sampai menyatukan dua buah celana jeans. Tidak memakan waktu lama untuk menjahitnya. Daaaaannnnn.....saya suka banget dengan hasilnya.... Definitely my favorite skirt :) Rok ini pertama kali saya pakai saat acara reuni SMP yang dress code-nya atasan putih dan bawahan biru. Bagian atas dari celana yang satu lagi sedang dalam proses menjadi sebuah tas. Nantikan ceritanya ya... Sudah beberapa hari ini dapat info tentang si pameran buku Big Bad Wolf yang digelar di BSD. Maksud hati tidak akan berkunjung kesana karena tempatnya cukup jauh dari rumah dan rumah sudah penuh dengan buku. Tetapi tadi pagi dapat pesan singkat dari adik semata wayang buat pergi ke pameran buku ini. Dan....terayulah saya :D
Berangkat dari rumah sekitar jam 11 siang, menembus kemacetan kota Jakarta dan sampailah kami di Serpong sekitar pukul setengah satu siang. Sebelum masuk ke pameran tentunya perut perlu diisi supaya mata terang dan gak bunyi-bunyi selama memilih buku :D Pilihan makan siang kali ini adalah Soto Betawi H. Mamat yang sudah diceritakan kelezatannya oleh Kaysan puluhan kali. Dengan perut kenyang, mata terang, tumbler minuman & permen siap di tas, masuklah kami ke ICE BSD nomor 10. Biar lebih tenang nyari bukunya, kami shalat dzuhur dulu. Mushola tersedia di Mezzanine 9. Masuk ke dalam ruangan itu langsung disambut oleh ribuan buku. Tujuan saya mencari buku-buku berhubungan dengan masakan dan craft. Sementara Yani bergerilya di buku anak-anak. Setelah hampir 3 jam mengitari hall pameran, saya memutuskan untuk membeli 7 buah buku. Buku-buku yang saya beli sesuai dengan tema yang saya cari. Dalam perjalanan pulang, saya berbincang-bincang melalui media whatsapp dan seorang teman bercerita tentang buku fotografi. Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh...saya lupa ke bagian tersebut karena sudah lama tidak memotret. Padahal saya ingin mencari buku tentang food photography untuk menjadi panduan saya dalam memotret hasil masakan saya. Tapi sampai saat ini saya belum ada rencana untuk kembali kesana karena takut kalap lagi :D Next year maybe :) Oh ya....pameran masih berlangsung sampai tanggal 8 Mei 2016 di ICE BSD.... Meet up my students on my first crochet class. My students vary from first grade to eighth grader. They learn to hold the crochet hook, making slip knot and chains. They also learn finger crochet. Hopefully they have lots of fun instead of headache :) Taman Baca Garasi will be holding another crochet class soon.
I'm working on new colour for reusable vegetable mesh bag. The colour of this product will be varies. This is what I will mostly do until the end of this year.
Pasar Sunan Giri, it's a market that sells fabrics, buttons and plenty of others except vegetables & meat. Going to this market always bring a good memories. The food sellers on the back of the market always become a good memories of childhood. When I'm in crafty mood, I always go to this place and find stuffs for it. There are plenty of tailor that ready to help you make a dress. This time I treat myself four hijab. Just bought the material in one of the fabric store and sew it on the other store. And it makes me really happy :) I even found new places that sell yarns. Maybe I'll try it some other time :)
My sister and I just start a new product. It's a reusable vegetable mash bag. The colour will be varies according the availability of materials.
My family's arisan being canceled since one of my aunt being hospitalized. So I have more crafty time on my hand. I decided to put a button on my iPad Mini pouch and I love it.
Another craft I do before arisan. This is a bag to put a spork. I also sell spork with the case for travel or camping.
My family's arisan is coming next Sunday and I'm working with my tumbler/bottle holder this last few days.
I promise a friend of mine a pouch for her iPad Mini. So I start to work with it and finished it by night. Nice way to spend time while having jet lag :) Hope she like it.
I finally figure out how to make this tumbler holder look nice. I used some creativity stuffs in Taman Baca Garasi. Get your favorite tumbler/bottle holder now.
I finished up 24 new tumbler holder with some new colours available. I need to figure out how to package it nicely without to much trash to throw out after.
I'm working something new in between making tumbler holder. It's a crochet belt for one of my dress. I see one picture and try to figure out how to make it, since the instruction not really clear. It turn out nicely 😍
Well...I guess this will be the last picture of my granny square afghan for this year. It looks really nice on this sofa. I think I need to buy a new sofa to put my afghan ;p
I'm working with tumbler holder this week and I have new colour on the stock. I try to make it as many as possible and try to sell it. This is one way to promote zero waste behaviour. Go get one for yourself...
Hope you all not get bored by this picture since I post a lot about this project. Still amazed that I finally able to finish it :)
Inspired by Sandra Juto on her blog, I'm starting to make my own granny square afghan project. Actually I start it around November 2013 but since I'm helping my sister to take care her daughter, Amira, I just couldn't find the time to continue it. On the 21st day of my 365 of 204 projects, I decided to make it as another project for 2014. Hopefully it will finish before this year turn into 2015 :)
After Amira turn 4 months, she starts using a baby sitter and I have more spare time to work on this project. Around mid July, I was able to finish 400 circles that will be joined into granny square afghan. I finally able to finish this project yesterday, just before the date turns into November 5th. So here are my Granny Square Afghan Project. I'm using cotton yarn with 3 mm crochet hook. Combination of 11 colour for the circle and 1 colour to join all of them. Each square has a different colour combination. Weigh 1.35 kg and 145 cm x 135 cm in size, this afghan contain 400 granny squares. Sandra Juto sell her blanket for €599 while mine is not for sale at the moment :) I wasn't able to finish my project by the end of the month and quite busy Saturday and Sunday. But today all the squares have been connected into a blanket and I finally able to finish up the edge too.
I'm still working with my Granny Square Afghan project. Hope it will finish by the end of this month. I still have two more rows to work on and then final touch for the edge.
Today I work on two more tumbler holder, red and tuscan red. I also start cataloging the crafts. Now I'm working on purple small size tumbler holder.
All my tumbler holder were sold out. So I start to make some new one to sell. I need to finished it before Wednesday. Work...work...and more work...
Blog WalkingArchives
July 2024