Two weeks ago we just lost our beloved cousin. She was such a loving and caring person and only 28 years old. She died because of bleeding caused by misabortion. The blood can’t stop because she got placenta accreta. Final diagnose just come out last week. This is a little bit about placenta accreta that I would like to share with all of you. Hope it will be a good information. Placenta accreta is a severe obstetric complication involving an abnormal superficial attachment of the placenta to the myometrium (the middle layer of theuterine wall). Usually placenta will attach to endometrium (inner layer of the uterine wall). There are three forms of placenta accreta, distinguishable by the depth of penetration. The placenta usually detaches from the uterine wall relatively easily, but women that encounter placenta accreta during childbirth are at great risk of haemorrhageduring its removal. This commonly requires surgery to stem the bleeding and fully remove the placenta, and in severe forms can often lead to a hysterectomy or be fatal. It is reported to have a mortality rate around 7% and is the most common indication for birth-related hysterectomy.
Placenta accreta affects approximately 1 in 2,500 pregnancies. Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arbovirus, of the genus, Alphavirus, that is transmitted to humans by virus-carrying Aedesmosquitoes. There have been recent outbreaks of CHIKV associated with severe morbidity. CHIKV causes an illness with symptoms similar to dengue fever. CHIKV manifests itself with a prolonged arthralgic disease that affects the joints of the extremities. The acute febrile phase of the illness lasts only two to five days. The pain associated with CHIKV infection of the joints persists for weeks or months.
SIGN AND SYMPTOMS The incubation period of Chikungunya disease is from two to four days. Symptoms of the disease include a fever up to 39 °C (102.2 °F), a petechial ormaculopapular rash of the trunk and occasionally the limbs, and arthralgia or arthritis affecting multiple joints. Other nonspecific symptoms can includeheadache, conjunctival injection, and slight photophobia. Typically, the fever lasts for two days and then ends abruptly. However, other symptoms, namely joint pain, intense headache, insomnia and an extreme degree of prostration last for a variable period; usually for about 5 to 7 days. Patients have complained of joint pains for much longer time periods depending on their age. |
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