Kalau mengikuti blog saya ini, pasti gambar di atas akan terasa seperti de javu. Mungkin karena saya pernah posting gambar ini 3 tahun yang lalu dengan gambar yang serupa dan tanggal hampir sama. Ketika itu saya menemani Wira yang rapat di Bogor sambil merayakan ulang tahun perkawinan kami yang ke-9. Sekarang, Wira menemani saya ke acara raker dan pembubaran pengurus PJ.
Pagi ini diawali dengan olahraga bersama dengan para pengurus. Salah satu pengurus PJ ternyata seorang instruktur zumba. Jadilah kami ramai-ramai berzumba ria. Sudah lama tidak ikut senam-senaman membuat seluruh badan saya seperti kaku-kaku :D Gerakan yang berubah-ubah dengan cepat membuat kaki saya seperti saling menyandung :p Setengah jam kemudian, badan kami sudah panas. Zumba pagi ini ditutup dengan lagu Khana :))
Wah...setelah 2 tahun, keluarga Syahril Anwar kembali berkumpul saat lebaran. Kesempatan ini kami jadikan saat yang tepat untuk membuat foto keluarga. Kalau 2 tahun yang lalu tambahannya ada Uda Nul dan Comel, kali ini kami juga punya anggota baru. Selain Amira, anaknya Yani dan Nul, ada juga Kakak Kabul dari sekolah Smart Ekselensia yang sedang homestay di rumah kami selama libur lebaran ini. Oh ya... ada juga Tiger dan Koko, anak-anaknya Comel :)
Setelah dua kali foto keluarga kita foto-foto di halaman depan, kali ini kami pindah ke taman di dalam rumah. Kali ini Wira sebagai fotografer utama dan saya sebagai cadangannya :) Tak lupa Kakak Kabul juga dimintakan tolong untuk memencet shutter release demi kesempatan berfoto bersama. Ternyata setelah dilihat-lihat, foto kali ini sangat penuh warna :) Tahun ini keluarga kami bertambah dua anggota. Tambahan yang pertama adalah Nul Zulhadi, suami Yani dan yang kedua adalah Comel, kucing yang ditemukan Kaysan di selokan :)
Hari ini semua anggota keluarga sedang berkumpul di Jatinegara Baru. Kami merayakan Idul Adha di sini. Langsung terlintas dipikiran saya untuk membuat foto keluarga yang baru. Terakhir kami bikin foto keluarga pada tahun 2009. Setelah makan pagi, kami bergerak untuk foto-foto. Yani jadi yang paling lama siapnya karena harus menutupi jerawat yang sedang bermunculan :) Berbagai gaya kami lakukan, mulai dari yang senyum manis sampai tertawa mengakak. Comel pun ikut kegirangan bermain dengan styrofoam yang digunakan sebagai reflektor. Selamat menikmati foto-foto keluarga kami :) Eh...pas kami lagi foto-foto, ada yang berkunjung ke taman. Sepertinya sih mau ke taman baca, tapi taman bacanya hari ini libur dulu. Dan mereka sepertinya terkagum-kagum melihat kami cekikikan gak ada abisnya :) Jadilah mereka diajak berfoto rame-rame :) Lebaran hari kedua biasanya didedikasikan buat keluarga nenek Sabiha. Keluarga adik dan kakak nenek Sabiha kali ini berkumpul di rumah kami. Sebenarnya acara ini sudah direncanakan sejak 2 tahun lalu. Tapi karena tahun lalu sebagian besar penghuni rumah pulang kampung, maka acara dialihkan ke rumah yang lain. Dan tahun ini ditagih deh janjinya jadi host acara halal bihalal.
Sejak mesjid di perumahan kami selesai dibangun, setiap tahun selalu diadakan shalat Id. Biasanya panitia penyelenggara shalat Ied menyediakan kantong plastik untuk tempat sendal dan jamaah shalat Id biasanya menggunakan kertas koran sebagai alas sajadah. Biasanya selesai shalat, lapangan yang kami gunakan akan berubah seperti tempat sampah penuh dengan koran. Memang ada pemulung yang akan mengumpulkan dan mengambil koran-koran tersebut. Tapi sungguh sayang, suasana yang indah dinodai oleh sampah yang menumpuk. Sebenarnya panitia shalat Ied menyediakan juga karpet untuk shalat, tapi hanya beberapa baris saja.
Sejak tahun lalu, kakak saya Shanty mencoba menerapkan pengumpulan koran yang digunakan sebagai alas sajadah, sehingga para pemulung menjadi lebih mudah mengambilnya. Selain itu juga diusahakan untuk tidak menggunakan kantong plastik untuk sendal. Tahun ini karena kakak saya mudik bersama keluarga ke Sumatera Barat, saya didelegasikan untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan pengumpulan koran. Sebelum berangkat mudik, kakak saya sudah menginformasikan rencana ini kepada panitia penyelenggara shalat Ied serta pernak-pernik juga telah disediakan. Sehingga saya tinggal mengerjakan saja. 06.11.2011
We will go back to Surabaya and then met Ketty, Rory and Alex there. After that we will went to Mount Bromo (also known as Bromo). Ketty already chartered a car for us to go to Bromo. To go back to Surabaya we used the Silver Travel again. This time we met Ketty and others in Nasi Pecel Khas Surabaya stall. Because Nuy & me hadn’t any breakfast, we decided to ate here first before went to Bromo. The nasi pecel only cost you Rp. 5000 and taste good. The car that we chartered cost Rp. 250.000 and we pay Rp. 100.000 for the driver. The trip to Bromo took about 4 hour. We chat along the way. We stayed at Cafe Lava Hotel in Bromo. The room rate Rp. 360.000. This hotel took placed just before entrance gate to Bromo. We arrived in Bromo around 4 p.m. After put our bag in hotel, we went to find something to eat and something warm. Because it’s quite cold in Bromo and raining. Hopefully the weather’s good tomorrow morning because we would like to see sunrise. Mumpung lengkap dan ada kamera, jadilah lebaran ini kita jadikan waktu untuk foto keluarga. Setelah nogkrong di depan komputer selama beberapa jam, ini sedikit hasil yang bisa dikerjakan. Mau nyobain semua kemampuan photoshop dan literoom tapi kayaknya bakalan berhari-hari deh... Jadi ini dulu deh yang bisa dinikmati...
Biasanya, bagi seorang anak perempuan yang sudah dewasa, yang sedang bekerja diperantauan, yang ikut suaminya merantau di luar kota atau luar negeri, yang sedang bersekolah atau kuliah jauh dari kedua orang tuanya....
Akan sering merasa kangen sekali dengan Mamanya.. Lalu bagaimana dengan Papa? Mungkin karena Mama lebih sering menelepon untuk menanyakan keadaanmu setiap hari, tapi tahukah kamu, jika ternyata Papa-lah yang mengingatkan Mama untuk menelponmu? Mungkin dulu sewaktu kamu kecil, Mama-lah yang lebih sering mengajakmu bercerita atau berdongeng, tapi tahukah kamu, bahwa sepulang Papa bekerja dan dengan wajah lelah Papa selalu menanyakan pada Mama tentang kabarmu dan apa yang kau lakukan seharian? Yesterday I heard a news that my friend's father just passed away after being hospitalized for about a month. So my friends and I went to his home. It may be 10 of us, sitting on the road in front of the house and having a little chat. It was November 25th 2008.
I got home and continue to chat with him on internet until passed midnight and I just realized that at the same date 6 years ago my own father has passed away. What a coincidence... and I just realized it a moment ago. Suddenly I missed him so much... wish he could see me now with all my achievement. I wished I could tell him that I love him so much. I wished I could hug him now. I wished I could thanked him for all the effort that he done to make me like this now. Dear God, put him besides you in your heaven. Please forgive all the mistakes he made. I wish you are happy now in heaven... I love U, Papa... <3 <3 <3 November 25th 2002 - November 25th 2008 Tomorrow is a last day in Ramadhan. Last day all moslem fasting in Ramadhan. I would like write a little bit about this Ramadhan. Ramadhan 1429 H.
For me, Ramadhan equals to reunion. Reunion with a lot of people. Why did I say that? Because in this month, I met a lot of people. Break the fast is the occasion for all that reunion. This month, there were 11 invitation for break the fast from different people. The first one was the one I spent with my family to break the fast. Actually this occasion was held celebrate my graduation from the school. Wira and I celebrated with his and my family. A reunion for the two of my lovely family. It's on September 6th, 2008. The second one was with my father's big family at my uncle's house. Met almost all the big family. The third one, break the fast with my friends from Nacel Open Door. At this time I met with about 20 persons. They all were returnees from this exchange program. This occasion also to celebrated one of my friend birthday, Melissa. This occasion was held on September 9th, 2008. We ate at Waroeng Kampoeng Restaurant in Citywalk Sudirman. (Pictures 1-8) Few weeks ago, my mother decided to go with her brother and sister in law to Europe. My auntie had an occasion in Cardiff, UK and then the group will visited her niece in Vienna. Besides that they also planned to go to another country.
She started to set everything, from made a new passport, buying a new shoes, etc. This is will be the second time she went abroad. And the first time was at 1983 when my mother, father, grandpa and grandma visited my father's twin brother to Japan. In that year they also visited Hongkong, Malaysia and Singapore. Have almost anything to do besides "on call" in the early morning (@ 3 am, sigh...), I browsed the internet and found the funny website (www.yearbookyourself.com). This website provide you an album to see how do you look like @ certain years. So I start to make mine. All I can do is laughing...because it looks so funny.
When My sister and Kaysan got home, I showed the pictures, and they all laughing. They also want to see their faces. Soooo...click "read more" to see our pictures...hope you enjoy it... Every August 17th Indonesia people celebrate the Independence Day. A lot of things we do to celebrate it. Some people held a big party and playing a lot of games. That's also happened in our residency Jatinegara Baru.
We have quite big party and it takes more than 1 day to do the celebration. Yesterday, they have the last two event: Parade Sepeda Hias (bicycle parade) and Panjat Pinang (palm tree climbing). Panjat Pinang was held out for the first time in this residency. Kaysan as always he did in last two years, decided to compete for the Parade Sepeda Hias. We had decided to make the bicycle's decoration from things we have in our garage. The theme is reuse and recycle. With Ayah, Ibu and Tante Tia as the creative team, Kaysan's bicycle turn out to be Balon Udara (hot air ballon) and he ready to compete. And the result he got the most unique bicycle's decoration. Panjat pinang was another fun, with greasy and oily palm tree trunks and interesting gifts they tried to reach. There's a team of 5 people who try to get to the top of the tree and get the gifts. This is a teamwork's game. Click "read more" to see some pictures I had that you might enjoy. A sister is someone who leads you when you are having a problem.
A sister makes you laugh and cry. A sister is someone who likes to fight with you. A sister is the one who stands with you in all your ups and downs. A sister makes you remember who you really are. A sister sometimes makes you cry when they are very sad. A sister is someone who is always there for you through all the laughter and tears. A sister is real. A sister never will pretend. A sister is someone like you whom I treasure everyday in my heart. -Kayla Fraser- Father, can you hear me?
Father, can you see me? Father, can you help me through this night? Father, are you with me? I look up at the sky, and wonder why, I feel so alone now. Father, will you help me, I’m afraid to close my eyes? Father, can you hear me? Father, can you see me? Father, if I sleep now, will you be watching over me this night? Father, can you hear me? Father, can you see me? Father, the world I see is so much larger, than I remember when you were here with me. Father, can you hear me? Father, can you see me? Father, can you help me, stand own my own two feet once more? Father, I’m on my knees, looking at the sky, looking for your eyes. Father, I’ve lost my way, God, I pray for your guidance once more. Father, what was your will, God, it was not mine. Father, can you hear me? Father, can you see me? Father, as I pray for your will, please come and show me the way, dear God I pray. Amen Gloria Comingore dedicated to my lovely father, may you rest in peace. A Father means so many things...
An understanding heart, A source of strength and of support Right from the very start. A constant readiness to help In a kind and thoughtful way. With encouragement and forgiveness No matter what comes your way. A special generosity and always affection, too A Father means so many things When he's a man like you... ~Author Unknown~ Today is my father's birthday. Such a caring person. He likes children so much. He gave us best things in life. Such an idol for me and my sisters. His the best father I ever had. I love U, Papa. May you rest in peace. This pictures were taken in Bandung. We accompanied Yani to Bandung because she has some meeting there. Because we didn't bring camera so we decided to take "photo box" at Paris van Java. So...here we are....
This are some pictures from Hadi and Lilik's wedding reception at Riverside Country Club.
Since we were dating, I heard a story about my husband such a good guitar player. He played the guitar since a little boy. Even his guitar still the same guitar that he got in primary school. But unfortunately, I haven't heard my husband playing his guitar. Everytime I mention about his guitar, he just showed me a smile.
Few months ago, he found out there is one part of his guitar has broken. He planned to fix it. But it never happened until few weeks ago, he found out not only one part was broken but there's a lot more. So finally he brought his guitar to the guitar garage (am I using the right word?) to be fixed. Two days ago, finally the guitar was fixed. It looks like new one. There's not so many places can fixed the guitar, sometimes they even suggest to buy the new one. But this guy, such a good person. He can even make guitar by his own, that a lot of top guitar player came to him asked him to make a guitar for them. And finally, I heard my husband playing guitar. And we sing a song together with our "limited" voices (a.k.a. cempreng :)) Dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahun Avi dan Nurul, kami sekeluarga makan malam di Gandy's Restaurant Menteng. Foto-foto pastinya jadi kegiatan yang tidak terlupakan :)
This picture was taken in place called Segarra in Ancol. We having dinner in there last fasting month. The view and the place is good, but mosquito is every where. Nice place to take pictures too. Use some mosquito repellent to avoid the bite. The food moderate good but the prices quite high.
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