Hari ini saya, Wira, uni Shanty bersama 7 orang anak Jurasik plus Riguel dan Michelle mengunjungi Rainbow Warrior, kapal Greenpeace yang sedang bersandar di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Ini adalah kunjungan kapal ke-3 buat saya. Sebelumnya saya pernah mengunjungi kapal East Indiaman Götheborg dan kapal Greenpeace Esperanza. Info tentang kapal ini akan mampir di Jakarta sudah saya dengar dari beberapa media maupun teman.
Kami berangkat setelah makan siang dan shalat dzuhur menggunakan 2 buah mobil. Perjalanan dari rumah menuju Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok memakan waktu sekitar 1,5 jam walaupun sebenarnya hanya 23 km dan menurut google map hanya butuh waktu 30 menit. Lalu lintas yang ramai di jalan tol dan kemacetan yang agak bikin frustasi setelah keluar tol dalam kota tetap tidak mematahkan semangat kami. Kami sampai di pelabuhan penumpang Nusantara 1 sekitar jam 2 siang. Sampai di pelabuhan penumpang kami disambut oleh teman-teman relawan dari Greenpeace. Masing-masing anak mendapat 1 buah pin. Setelah menitip sebagian tas yang dibawa, kami masuk ke ruang tunggu yang sudah ditata sedemikian rupa dengan foto-foto, sepeda dan motor. Pak Agus, salah satu relawan Greenpeace, sudah menanti kami untuk memandu dan bercerita tentang kapal yang akan kami lihat dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh teman-teman Greenpeace.
Today...I went to see the Greenpeace ship called ESPERANZA with Klab Main. This ship can be seen by public only for one day which is today from 1 pm to 4 pm. We saw the ship at Tanjung Priok Port.
It's quite fun trip with all the little children. One of my nephew feel dizzy being on board because this is the first time he get on a ship. The Greenpeace ship ESPERANZA sailing around Indonesia taking part on "Forest for Climate" campaign. Esperanza is the biggest ship owned by Greenpeace and at this journey they want to defend the natural rain forest in Papua. According to the campaign director of Southeast Asia Greenpeace, Shailendra Yashwant, Esperanza`s visit to Indonesia was meant to urge the government to implement a moratorium soon on all forms of forest conversion, including industrial deforestation, expansion of oil palm plantations, and other activities which can cause deforestation. This pictures was taken when the ship called East Indiaman Götheborg came to Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. My friend, Intan, asked me to go to saw the ship. So...here we are Intan, Yani, Kaysan dan Me got on the board.
The East Indiaman Götheborg (Swedish: Ostindiefararen Götheborg) is a large wooden sailing ship, a replica of the East Indiaman Götheborg (an archaic spelling of Göteborg: Gothenburg). The original sank off Gothenburg, Sweden, on 12 September 1745 while approaching its home harbour after returning from her third voyage to the Far East. All sailors survived, but the ship was lost. This replica start to sail on October 2005 with the route Götheborg Sweden, Cadiz Spain, Recive Bolivia, Cape Town and Nelson Mandela Bay South Africa, Fremantle Australia, Jakarta Indonesia, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hongkong in China before went back to Sweden through Suez Canal. The route to China followed approximately the 18th century original route, with the added detour to Australia (although in the 18th century, they usually avoided ports to avoid pirates). The journey home took the shortcut through the Suez Canal while they during the 18th century had to go back around South Africa. Click "read more" to see more pictures. |
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