Tomorrow is a last day in Ramadhan. Last day all moslem fasting in Ramadhan. I would like write a little bit about this Ramadhan. Ramadhan 1429 H.
For me, Ramadhan equals to reunion. Reunion with a lot of people. Why did I say that? Because in this month, I met a lot of people. Break the fast is the occasion for all that reunion. This month, there were 11 invitation for break the fast from different people. The first one was the one I spent with my family to break the fast. Actually this occasion was held celebrate my graduation from the school. Wira and I celebrated with his and my family. A reunion for the two of my lovely family. It's on September 6th, 2008. The second one was with my father's big family at my uncle's house. Met almost all the big family. The third one, break the fast with my friends from Nacel Open Door. At this time I met with about 20 persons. They all were returnees from this exchange program. This occasion also to celebrated one of my friend birthday, Melissa. This occasion was held on September 9th, 2008. We ate at Waroeng Kampoeng Restaurant in Citywalk Sudirman. (Pictures 1-8)
Few weeks ago, my mother decided to go with her brother and sister in law to Europe. My auntie had an occasion in Cardiff, UK and then the group will visited her niece in Vienna. Besides that they also planned to go to another country.
She started to set everything, from made a new passport, buying a new shoes, etc. This is will be the second time she went abroad. And the first time was at 1983 when my mother, father, grandpa and grandma visited my father's twin brother to Japan. In that year they also visited Hongkong, Malaysia and Singapore. Attending so many break fasting on this Ramadhan, makes me be able to take pictures during sunset in Jakarta. With plenty of air pollution, the sky still look pretty.
dari milis tetangga....
Dalam sebuah seminar rumah tangga, seseorang audience tiba-tiba melontarkan pertanyaan yang sangat lumrah, 'Bagaimana saya tahu kalo saya menikah dengan orang yang tepat?' Saya melihat ada seorang lelaki bertubuh besar duduk di sebelahnya, jadi saya menjawab 'Ya.. tergantung. Apakah pria di sebelah anda itu suami anda?' Dengan sangat serius dia balik bertanya 'Bagaimana anda tahu?!' 'Biarkan saya jawab pertanyaan yang sangat membebani ini.' Inilah jawabannya! Kisah di bawah ini adalah kisah yang saya dapat dari milis alumni Jerman, atau warga Indonesia yg bermukim atau pernah bermukim di sana . Demikian layak untuk dibaca beberapa menit, dan direnungkan seumur hidup.
Saya adalah ibu dari tiga orang anak dan baru saja menyelesaikan kuliah saya. Kelas terakhir yang harus saya ambil adalah Sosiologi. Sang Dosen sangat inspiratif, dengan kualitas yang saya harapkan setiap orang memilikinya. Tugas terakhir yang diberikan ke para siswanya diberi nama "Smiling." Seluruh siswa diminta untuk pergi ke luar dan memberikan senyumnya kepada tiga orang asing yang ditemuinya dan mendokumentasikan reaksi mereka. Setelah itu setiap siswa diminta untuk mempresentasikan didepan kelas. Saya adalah seorang yang periang, mudah bersahabat dan selalu tersenyum pada setiap orang. Jadi, saya pikir,tugas ini sangatlah mudah. Have almost anything to do besides "on call" in the early morning (@ 3 am, sigh...), I browsed the internet and found the funny website ( This website provide you an album to see how do you look like @ certain years. So I start to make mine. All I can do is laughing...because it looks so funny.
When My sister and Kaysan got home, I showed the pictures, and they all laughing. They also want to see their faces. "read more" to see our pictures...hope you enjoy it... Bingung nyari venue buat buka puasa yang enak dan nyaman buat sama temen-temen FKUI '96 ramadhan ini, jadilah tim survey dadakan terbentuk untuk melihat venue yang dipilih pas chatting. Venue yang kita pilih kali ini adalah Bistro 54 di Jl. Cik Di Tiro No. 54 Menteng. Tim survey kali ini ada gue, Emil, Johan a.k.a. ketua angkatan dan Yonas.
Tempatnya lumayan cozy buat duduk-duduk dan ngobrol. Tempat ini juga mudah dicapai karena letaknya yang cukup strategis. Sayang kurang Wi-fi, kalo gak mungkin residen-residen bisa kabur ke sini semua buat browsing internet :) Makanan rasanya cukup enak dan harga terjangkau. Tapi kalo cari kuantitas, tempat ini kurang cocok. Karena porsinya tidak terlalu besar. Buat gue sih cukup, tapi yang cowok-cowok masih kelaperan. Prinsipnya, tempat ini kurang pas didatangi pada saat kelaperan :) tapi untuk chit chat it's a nice place. Tempat ini tutup kalo hari minggu. Ini sangat disayangkan, karena acara yang akan kita buat itu pas hari minggu. So musti cari alternatif tempat lain deh... Foto-foto dibawah diambil ketika nunggu makanan dan ngobrol-ngobrol. Acara syukuran 17 orang residen yang berhasil lulus semester ini dengan semua usaha dan jungkir baliknya. Akhirnya....
Terima kasih untuk semua yang sudah membantu acara ini hingga berjalan dengan lancar. Klik "read more" untuk melihat foto-foto saat acara berlangsung. Walking through the future branches
I know not about the sharp excrescence on its plants Not knowing about the various thorny shrubs Makes me wonder how painful the thorny future buzz But lying ahead is a shining morning on a thorny curb Legs on the spiny protuberances blemishes Just to get to the shining morning of my future premises Where thorn of mercy, happiness, and joy lays Thorny future filled with opportunity and grace But the thorn on the future path causes sharp pain, irritation, discomfort bath Causing irritation, annoyance, and burns Letting out its anger, hatred and love On the future path filled with thorns Who knows if the shining morning ahead have his own beaming thorns? May be even sharper than the ones on its path and curb. Olufunmbi Aransiola our future
our future is hidden among the vast forests of our soul our future is waiting among the depths of our own ocean our future is yourself you create your future run through the forests swim through your ocean and you will find yourself you your future Zia Jaycee May Trent |
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