Masih di Bogor menikmati hotel ini dan foto-foto tentunya :D Sarapan pagi dan leyeh-leyeh sambil gantian mandi. Pengen berenang, tapi males banget turun ke bawah dan bilasannya setelahnya. Kurang nih kayaknya nginep semalam aja :p
Setelah check out pun kita masih nongkrong-nongkrong sambil pepotoan dan ngobrol ngalor ngidul. Beginilah kalo kami lagi kumpul. Seperti tak ada habisnya cerita kami :) Pengen lihat hasil fotonya? Silakan klik "read more" Catatan: Foto ke-3, 4, 5, & 6 hasil karya mas-mas yang dimintain tolong untuk motretin kita :)
Bangun dari pagi untuk bersiap-siap acara hari ini. Hari ini saya menjadi organizer acara Rapat Kerja Pengurus Perdatin Jaya 2016-2019. Acara yang disiapkan dalam waktu kurang dari 2 minggu. Agak susah mengumpulkan pengurus PJ, jadi acara ini digabung dengan acara pembubaran pengurus PJ yang lama. Di pagi hari ,kami mengadakan raker dan malam hari sampai esok pagi, kami mengadakan acara pembubaran pengurus.
Raker yang awalnya akan mulai pukul 08.30 mundur sekitar 1 jam karena peserta raker telat hadir. Sebenarnya sudah terlintas di pikiran saya bahwa acara akan mundurdari jadwal. Acara raker dan pembubaran pengurus diadakan di Bogor. Rapat selesai pukul 16.00. Sementara kami rapat, keluarga yang datang pagi hari jalan-jalan ke Kuntum Farm Field di daerah Tajur. Lebaran hari kedua biasanya didedikasikan buat keluarga nenek Sabiha. Keluarga adik dan kakak nenek Sabiha kali ini berkumpul di rumah kami. Sebenarnya acara ini sudah direncanakan sejak 2 tahun lalu. Tapi karena tahun lalu sebagian besar penghuni rumah pulang kampung, maka acara dialihkan ke rumah yang lain. Dan tahun ini ditagih deh janjinya jadi host acara halal bihalal.
When I stayed in Berlin, one of my friend from Russia came to visit Berlin. We decided to meet. This is the second time we met since our exchange program back in 1993-1994. The first time we met in Jakarta when she visited Indonesia a few years back.
In 1993-1994, Vika, me and 8 other exchange students went to Volunteer High School in Church Hill, TN, USA. Vika, Cristina, Raisa & Me stayed for 10 months program and 6 others from southern America come to stayed in Church Hill, TN for 5 months program. We still keep in touch after we all got back to our countries. With e-mail, Facebook and other social networking, it's getting easier to keep in touch.Vika and me met at Friederichstraße at a nice cafe with nice drinks and cakes. The cafe also had book store and museum. It's always nice to met up an old friend.Note: A few months later I found out that the cafe was closed and the book store moved to Unter den Linden.Pictures of us taken by Wira. After being friend for 17th years, we finally be able to of us.
First time I meet them when I got back from my exchange program in 1994. I had the same homeroom with Intan, Dian, Retno, Putri dan Dini. Meanwhile Deedee had the same major class with Intan, Dian, Retno and Putri. We usually spend our break time together. We even went to the mall or just hanging around together. We also studied together for final exam in high school. After we all went for college, we still keep in touched. But there's never 7 of us. The time we spent together is less than when in high school because Putri & Dian went to Bandung to continue their study. Meanwhile Retno went to England. So there wasn't much time to see each other. But after few years, we still keep in touch with each other. We try to see each other when it possible. |
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