Since I'm still sick today and cannot taking pictures, so here I share some more of Cirebon. This is one of things they use to put air freshener back in the old time. The branches used to put strands of Jasmine as the air freshener. They really use fresh flowers from the Jasmine trees instead of smelly jelly thing :)
Today we have two gathering. One is with Wira's family in Cimande and the other one is with my mom's family. Since it's impossible to come to two event so we go to Cimande and other reason is no one in Belma can drive the car beside Wira.
Today's traffic really friendly. We leave JB around 6.15 am and reach Belma around 6.45 am. It took a while since we have to turn around a little bit since some part of the road used for Eid ul-Adha prayer. We leave around 7 am and reach Cimande by 8 am. This is the best record since a long time ago. Because usually it takes 2 hours or more to reach Cimande from Belma. Even on heavy traffic it could reach 4-6 hours. It's about the same on the way back home. The road is pretty empty. I think everybody stay at home and enjoy the meat they got and make satay or tongseng or anything else. To bad I am not felling well this pass two days. The fever is back since yesterday afternoon. Today some of moslem in the world celebrate Eid ul-Adha. As usual there is also Eid pray. But the sadness come cross my heart to see all the newspaper used as lining for the praying mat just left behind by the user. So the praying area look dirty with scattered newspaper. It will be nice if everybody pick up on paper and put it in trash bin or a place designated to collect the paper. So it will be easier to clean up. When we do Eid pray in my housing area we always ask people to pick up their paper and put it in plastic bag that we prepared from home. Check out in here for info how we do it.
Some left over from Cirebon. On second day in Cirebon, we ate Empal Gentong Krucuk. The place is not far from our hotel. This is how they prepared our food. Empal Gentong is one of typical Cirebon culinary. So...if you go to Cirebon, go find this food.
This little girl turn 11th months old today. So I spare my time to taking pictures since the last two month we didn't make a proper pictures. She's able to stand up and learning to walk. She did walk one or few steps and the she fall down. Come running soon baby so you can accompany your dad for a run :)
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July 2024